You wait ages for a scroll presentation… – 23 November 2022

At Mansfield and Dukeries Circle, scroll presentations seem to be like London buses. You wait ages for one and then three come along at once!

It has been a while since any of the members of Mansfield and Dukeries Circle reached a significant anniversary of their enrolment, but this month we were fortunate to have three presentations made by the Director of Province 15, Karol Grabowski, who also happens to be a member of the Circle.

First off was Martin Dillon, who reached the 25-year mark having been enrolled on 28 October 1997. Martin is probably one of the best-known brothers in Circle due largely to his wide-ranging involvement in so many aspects of Circle life. He has been President on 4 occasions (including this year); is also our Provincial Councillor; is active as Chief Steward on the committee for Province 15’s Public Speaking Contest; organises the Circle’s family rambles; currently co-organises the monthly Pub Lunches; and is the Circle Welfare Officer, a role which he takes very seriously, especially when reporting back to Circle meetings – indeed, our Provincial President has said that Martin gives “the best Welfare Report in Province”.

All of this is evidence of the way that Catenian values play out in Martin’s commitment to the Association. He is always willing to “help a brother in need” and without his energy and enthusiasm during the pandemic, the Circle would have struggled to remain as vibrant as it is today.

Karol (on the left) presents Martin with his 25-year scroll

On a personal level, Martin is very unassuming and sensitive, though his passions have been aroused as a result of his recent encounter with the dreaded prostate cancer and he is a keen advocate of being tested early and regularly once middle age sets in – he says that he would not be here today if it were not for the PSA test as he showed no symptoms when he was diagnosed just after the COVID pandemic began. Despite this fright, he is now back playing golf and undertaking countryside walks to regain his stamina.

He is also a loyal friend who epitomises everything that is good in Catenianism and there was a heartfelt round of congratulatory applause when he received his scroll on behalf of himself and his wife, Terry.

Next up was Simon King who was enrolled with three others on 14 October 1992, not the usual night of Circle’s meetings because of the half-term holidays which affected the meeting that year. Simon was recruited by Eugene Lee who was one of our Founder Members and followed in the footsteps of his father, Maurice who passed away a few years ago as well as his father-in-law, Godfrey Smith, who both had some part in encouraging him to join. Simon was a mere stripling of 30 when he was enrolled, a fact that is not lost on us these days when the average age of Circle is just under 70, and your Editor discovered that Simon is currently the 8th youngest member of the Circle.

As a busy legal professional, Simon has demanding commitments and has often been called away at short notice to serve the needs of the naughtier residents of Mansfield! He tells us that at one time, when phones only allowed 5 quick-dial numbers, his top number was Mansfield Police Station (probably followed in quick succession by the local Probation Office). Even so, Simon finds time to support Mansfield Town (The Stags) and is a season ticket holder along with a good number of other Circle members.

Karol (on the left) presents Simon with his 30-year scroll

At home, Emma, his wife, and other members of the family keep him grounded and he has recently become a grandad for the first time.

Last, but certainly not least, Tony Bukowski also received his 30-year scroll to mark the anniversary of his enrolment. Tony shared the limelight with Simon and two other members (who have since moved on from Mansfield) on that fateful night of 14 October 1992.

Tony is another member of Circle on whom we all rely. He has been Secretary for a very, very long time (it must be around 20 years now) with only two years off when he was Vice President and President (2007-08), so he must be one of the longest-serving officers in that role. He currently combines Circle Secretary with Provincial Secretary, which he took over about nine years ago. As Secretary, Tony does all the minutes at Circle and Council, sorts out the meals with our venue, and has recently become involved with the organisation of the Annual Clergy Night.

When he isn’t busy with Association commitments, Tony has enjoyed being a navigator for the local Rally Club and has many tales to tell of scary rides in the passenger seat. He is also a keen caravanner and travels the length and breadth of the UK, when the weather is suitable, with his wife, Carol, and has been known to dial in for Council meetings from exotic places (occasionally appearing to call in from the dark side of the moon!) in Norfolk and Lincolnshire.

As Brother Director Karol pointed out when he presented the final scroll of the evening, Tony is one of those workers for the good of the Association whose labours are not always fully appreciated or acknowledged, but who deserves the praise and thanks of Circle because without his efforts both Circle and Province would not be in such a good place.

Karol (on the left) presents Tony with his 30-year scroll

In his closing remarks, Karol also stressed the need for recruiting younger men and their families, but most of all that Simon retains good health so that he can be one of the few “newer” members of Circle to reach the goal of a 40- and 50-year scroll since so many of us joined as older men who stand only a slim chance in accomplishing this.